sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

The Boeing 747 the Second largest world airplane

The boeing 747 is a widebody airplane in long reach, project and produced by U.S company Boeing. Was the first widebody airplane produced and average twice and half times the size of Boeing 707, big and more airplane common of long reach in decade of 1960!

Type - comercial Airplane
Producer - Boeing
First Flight
Capacity - 350 a 585 passagers
Cust - 260 million
leght - 76,3 meters
width - 68,5 meters
hight - 19,4 meters
velocity - 1040,4 Km/h
Maximun height of flight - 14,500 meters
maximun weight of take off - 396.890 kg

quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010

Airbus A380

The Airbus A380, developed and built by Airbus S.A.S. is the largest comercial airplane of passegers in history. The airplane, often called Superjumbo, did your first test flight in 21 of April of 2005 in Toulouse, France.
The A380 consumed more than tem years and about of 12 billions of euros for be developed.


Name: Airbus A380

Type: Comercial Airplane

Fabricator: Airbus

First Flight: 27 of April of 2005

Passengers: 555 - 845

cust: 290 million

Models: A380-800

empaty weight: 277.000kg

Maximum weight: 560.000kg

Legth: 72,75 m

langur: 79,80 m

height: 24,08 m

Speed: 970 km/h

Cruising Altitude: 15.200m / 40.000 feet

Autonomy: 14.800km

The Different kind of Airplanes

In the world exist many airplanes of various types!

We will talk about Two largest companies in the world: . Airbus (Europpe) and Boeing (E.U.A.),and also the largest airplanes in the wordl:

. A380 - Aibus
. B747 - Boeing

But first we will talk about the A380 because is the largest airplane in the world!!!

terça-feira, 13 de julho de 2010

Airplane Pilot

Well, how you know i want be airplane pilot so i decided talk more about this kid of job!

For be airplane pilot we have to have the 12º year and have 18 years!

When we finished the 12º year we can to get in the school of formation airplane pilot!

In this school i will have theoretical classes and of course practices classes, but they said that theoretical classes is the worse part because the manuals are all english, so, in this school holidays i have study english. I known that i have more 3 years of school but i prefer study now than in the final of 12º year.

This blog is helping me a lot at the level of writing!!!!!!

domingo, 4 de julho de 2010

Who i am?

hello, i am André, i have 14 years and i am from Portugal.

This year i have to make a big decision and the decision is about my future but i am very confused, because what i want be is airplane pilot and to be this i have to know English!

For me English is very complicated!

So i decided study English in my school holidays!

So far, I have studied English vocabulary, but I have more difficulties in the construction of sentences!

But i felt that i will can! I have very will!

In this blog i will talk about the airplanes but will be everything in English for i train!

For i train the my english i decided to creat this blog to train so i hope that you will enjoy!

Thanks!!!!!!!!!! i forgot one thing to tell you, please comment. thanks again!